
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dateable or Just Fuckable?

I keep getting asked, by people, "why won't he date me?" It may be that he's just not ready; possibly that he's too shy to make that step; or maybe he just wants one thing.

The question that should be asked is, am I dateable or just fuckable?

When a guy looks at a girl, the first impression is purely physical. It's from that initial look that a girl falls into one of two categories: 

1) Dateable; the kind of girl you want to get to know and possibly date. 
2) Fuckable; the kind of girl you want to get to know and get into bed quickly.

Do you disagree? Well, it's true.

How many times have you heard a guy say that she's "hot" or that he "wants" her. Gawking at the girl every chance he gets? And then, on the other hand, how many times have you heard a guy say, she's "nice", "cute" and other endearing words?

Riding the bus home yesterday, there were three girls in my line of sight. One, instantly, to me, was fuckable. The other two, dateable. So what's the difference?

The deciding factor is often image.

Every guy may look at the model-like girl, but no guy really wants to date her, because every other guy wants her too. Instead, guys want an attractive girl; one which everyone knows is attractive, but everyone isn't drooling behind her like a lost puppy.

The first girl on the bus was fuckable. She left nothing to the imagination, with half her body hanging out it was a little hard to look forward without staring. You could catch the gaze of every guy on that bus trying to catch a look, without her noticing. Women will argue, so what? She wants guys to look; maybe she's comfortable enough with her body to show it off. I don't disagree, but at 3pm on a Wednesday afternoon, on the bus, isn't the time and place.

The other two girls, one behind her and another in front of her were dateable. They were well dressed and they knew they looked good, but didn't have to flaunt it to a bus load of strangers.

Most guys want a natural girl. Sure, we love it when the person we're with can clean up nicely; when she can be that girl with little left to the imagination, but we don't want her all the time. Save it for that night out with us, or in the bedroom. 

We're looking for that dateable girl. The one who can toss on a pair of sweats and run to the store to grab a carton of milk, and not care what she looks like. Yes, we can pick out the fuckable ones in the grocery store, even. You can tell that they spent an hour getting ready just to pick up a loaf of bread.

So keep it in mind next time a guy just walks up to you and talks to you. Is it because you're giving him that fuckable impression, or are you dateable?


  1. Hmmmm.... I feel like saying I am just fuck-able makes me sound like a self absorbed bitch who believes she looks like a model, Which I'm not. And I don't.

    So what about the girl who is relatively attractive and normally dressed but still getting the you're-just-fuckable vibe from guys? What is she doing wrong?


  2. It's less about the look and more about the attitude that a woman presents and gives off. I strike you as being more of 'one of the guys', based on our conversations. Guys are attracted to, and more comfortable with those kinds of girls.

    We know we can be more forward in all aspects. That's the same for @whatshesaidgoes. She gives off that, I'm fun, care-free and go with the flow.

    Or, it may just be a bad string of luck.

  3. How fucked up it is that a woman can be relegated to sex-object just because of the way she is perceived by a bunch of beta-males who want to sound like players, but really aren't. No one wants to date you either, assholes, or fuck you for that matter, either, so get back down from your hobby horse and get a clue. Girls, please, have a little dignity and self-respect and get the boys you are dating into perspective. I, personally, divide men into two categories, too. Fuckable and not fuckable. If I don't want to fuck you, I don't want to date you. But, just because I want to fuck you doesn't mean I necessarily want to date you either. In fact, I find dating a huge waste of time. Why do it? So you can end up marrying some loser who will eventually experience some form of erectile dysfunction in his 40s and will blame it on you? That will be his excuse to need a younger woman--one he will need a dose of testosterone for his "low-T" (spare me mother-fucker--it isn't low-T, IT'S AGE!!!) and a pill to be able to satisfy if he doesn't have a heart attack or fall asleep half way through. Please. In my 50s I prefer men in their mid-30s. They can keep it up forever, do it more than one time a night, and I don't have to convince them that I am dateable--I am still fuckable, and that is all I need from them. And, another word of wisdom to my fellow predatory females out there: When you are my age and a guy you are dating who is your age says he prefers much younger women. Look him in the eye and say, "I don't. All I want is a man my age who can fuck me like a much younger man. Can you do that, Champ?" Don't let yourself be defined by men. They are good for one thing. Maybe two if you need someone to pay your bills, but that is about it.

  4. How fucked up it is that a woman can be relegated to sex-object just because of the way she is perceived by a bunch of beta-males who want to sound like players, but really aren't. No one wants to date you either, assholes, or fuck you for that matter, either, so get back down from your hobby horse and get a clue. Girls, please, have a little dignity and self-respect and get the boys you are dating into perspective. I, personally, divide men into two categories, too. Fuckable and not fuckable. If I don't want to fuck you, I don't want to date you. But, just because I want to fuck you doesn't mean I necessarily want to date you either. In fact, I find dating a huge waste of time. Why do it? So you can end up marrying some loser who will eventually experience some form of erectile dysfunction in his 40s and will blame it on you? That will be his excuse to need a younger woman--one he will need a dose of testosterone for his "low-T" (spare me mother-fucker--it isn't low-T, IT'S AGE!!!) and a pill to be able to satisfy if he doesn't have a heart attack or fall asleep half way through. Please. In my 50s I prefer men in their mid-30s. They can keep it up forever, do it more than one time a night, and I don't have to convince them that I am dateable--I am still fuckable, and that is all I need from them. And, another word of wisdom to my fellow predatory females out there: When you are my age and a guy you are dating who is your age says he prefers much younger women. Look him in the eye and say, "I don't. All I want is a man my age who can fuck me like a much younger man. Can you do that, Champ?" Don't let yourself be defined by men. They are good for one thing. Maybe two if you need someone to pay your bills, but that is about it.
