Don't blame me. It has been a long week, so yes, this post is a semi-cop out. This is where you, the female readers that is, get to give us men some insight. I've had many chats with my male friends about their significant others; about what they find acceptable or wonder; about what little and often insignificant things they think about. So before my body starts to crash from the copious amounts of caffeine that was coursing through it, here's how it works!
There are four categories, each with five random questions that men sometimes want to ask but are too shy to do so. Your job, respond in the comments section with your preference/answers numbered 1 to 20. Don't worry, they will be quick and easy. But, feel free to expand on your answers if you wish.
PS - I believe that I have the comments open to everyone, but if not, just send me a message on Twitter and I'll fix that.
The Physical:
1) Which is more important, an attractive face or an attractive body?
2) When it comes to body type, do you prefer: (a) slim build (b) average build (c) toned build (d) muscular build
3) What one physical trait most attracts you to a guy?
4) Personal hygiene is obviously a selling point, should a guy: (a) shave completely (b) shave chest only (c) shave only below the equator (d) I love hairy men
5) What physical trait most turns you off a guy?
The Intellect:
1) Complete the phrase. I like my man to be: (a) less intelligent than I (b) smarter than I (c) of equal intelligence
2) How important is education? (a) He must have completed university/college (b) Education isn't all that important, there is more to someone than being book smart
3) Which of the following statements best describes what you want in a person: (a) It is important that my partner continue to self-improve himself. (b) I don't care if my partner continues to self-improve himself, I fell for him because of who he is.
4) Is it possible for someone to be too smart, that it becomes a turn-off?
5) Are women intimidated by intelligent men?
Likes and Dislikes:
1) How important is it that you and your prospective partner share similar interests: (a) Very important (b) Somewhat important (c) Not important at all
2) Which statement best describes you: (a) I want my partner to take an interest in my likes. (b) I want my partner to take an interest in my likes even if he has to fake it (c) If he has no interests in my likes, I don't want him to bother. He should just say so.
3) Would you ever do something that you completely hate or bores you, because your partner really wants to?
4) What is one interest that women wish men would involve themselves in?
5) You discover your partner has an unusual interest, you: (a) Accept it and let him continue, after all it's his interest and you don't have to partake. (b) Tell him that it's weird and to stop it. (c) Realize, holy shit this is too weird for me, I better call and end this quickly.
The Random Ones
1) When in a relationship, after a certain period of time has elapsed how important is it that you and your partner start doing things as a "couple" (ie: events, etc...) (a) Very important, if we're a couple we should be involved in each others lives, unless it's a special circumstance. (b) Some what important. It's important we give one another the choice to go as a couple, but not feel like we have to. (c) Not important. Hell, I don't want to have to bring him with me.
2) Is it important to know your partners sexual history? (a) Yes, I want to know all the details. (b) Depends, knowing how many partners he's been with is important. (c) No way. I don't want to know a single detail.
3) What are your thoughts on second chances? (a) I have limits for a reason, he knew them, he broke them, it's over...goodbye. (b) It depends on what he did and how bad it was, I'd more than likely give him a second chance.
4) Your guy is going out with the boys for the night, how do you expect him to act? (a) I expect him to keep to his group of friends only and ward off any advances from other girls. After all, he has a girlfriend. (b) I don't care if he chats with/buys drinks/flirts with other girls, as long as he keeps his hands to himself. (c) I don't care what my guy does, as long as he doesn't kiss or take another girl home; grind up on her all you want, he's coming home to me later.
5) Complete this sentence... "I wish more men would ______."
And there you have it, ladies. Twenty random questions from guys for girls.
Read what.she.said.goes' answers to these questions here.
A lot of these questions seem a little black and white, but I’ll try my best to answer them.
ReplyDeleteThe Physical:
1) Attractive face, unless it’s countered by an overly unattractive body
2) (b) average build (but it’s not really important. It’s never been a deciding factor.)
3) It’s all in the eyes.
4) NO girl I’ve talked to wants a shaven man. Trim yourself (but not short)if you look like an ape. If you want to be “clean” then skip the razor and go all out with waxing. Stubble on anything other than your face is NOT sexy, and unless you plan on shaving EVERY DAY, there will be stubble.
5) That last question has lead me to say chest stubble. But on first meeting (aka shirt on) …..a bad walk I guess.
The Intellect:
1) It’s not about the intelligence, it’s about the ratios.
2) (b) Education isn't all that important, there is more to someone than being book smart
3) (a) It is important that my partner continue to self-improve himself. (It’s not that I want him to “change”, but I do want him to grow. Lives progress, and you need to move along with them, or risk being left behind. )
4) No. It’s not that a guy is “too smart”. It’s all in how he uses it. Don’t talk down to me, and don’t be one of those people who constantly uses big words to seem smart, even when it’s not necessary, or appropriate.
5) See above
Likes and Dislikes:
1) (b) Somewhat important (Having similar live goals, or values is far more important than liking the same movies)
2) (a) I want my partner to take an interest in my likes. (Not all, but at least some. And it doesn’t have to mean “I want to do it too!” but at least understand my interests and be supportive)
3) Maybe once or twice, but not on any repetitive basis.
4) Not sure I get this question.
5) (a) Accept it and let him continue, after all it's his interest and you don't have to partake. (As long as “unusual” doesn’t cross over into “harmful”)
The Random Ones
1) (a) Very important, if we're a couple we should be involved in each others lives, unless it's a special circumstance.
2) (a) Yes, I want to know all the details. (This one is tricky. I want to know how many, why, and what sorts of things he’s done, what he liked/didn’t. I don’t care the who, and it’s not to use as a negative. However I’m not going to pry for the info. I’ve just found it useful in building a new sex-life to know the past. I’ve found a lot of guys are more comfortable talking about what they’ve done as opposed to what they WANT to do.)
3) (b) It depends on what he did and how bad it was, I'd more than likely give him a second chance.
4)There’s a HUGE gap between (a) I expect him to keep to his group of friends only and ward off any advances from other girls. After all, he has a girlfriend. And (b) I don't care if he chats with/buys drinks/flirts with other girls, as long as he keeps his hands to himself. (I don’t want a guy to feel like he can’t talk to or hang out with other girls or other people at a bar or party. But buying drinks and outright flirting is going a bit far. That’s a slippery slope, especially when alcohol is involved.)
5) "I wish more men would be upfront with their feelings and emotions. “ (Men are far guiltier of the whole “I’m fine, but secretly I’m mad about _____” than women. They do it differently, sure. But they do it.)
Comment Deleted?
ReplyDeleteThat's odd.... I didn't delete it. Try again?
ReplyDeleteThat's rough. I didn't save my reply. Didn't figure I'd have to. Took a good hour to compile tho. :(
ReplyDeleteTry again? I'm curious what your answers are. What kind of Twitter-like incentive can I provide? How about, #FF for a month with witty/catchy phrases? Lol.
ReplyDeleteI found your comment. It somehow ended up as spam. Odd.
ReplyDeleteGreat answers. You've answered them as I would have. Probably the only woman so far who has.
The Physical:
ReplyDelete1) Gotta be a combo
2) b - average build
3) Eyes can make a man
4) c - below
5) Too much chub
The Intellect:
1) I like my man to be: c - of equal intelligence
2) b - Education isn't all that important, there is more to someone than being book smart. As long as he is intelligent and constantly challenging himself
3) a - It is important that my partner continue to self-improve himself.
4) Absolutely.
5) Absolutely not.
Likes and Dislikes:
1) b - Somewhat important. Some different interests keep things spicy.
2) b - I want my partner to take an interest in my likes even if he has to fake it. *To an extent, depending on the likes.
3) Yup.
4) I don't know what this means.
5) a - Accept it and let him continue, after all it's his interest and you don't have to partake.
The Random Ones
1) A mix of b and c. I think a couple should do things together, but I also think everyone needs their own identity and their own life as well. Time apart does a couple well.
2) It's not important, but people can't help but be curious. Anyhow the past is the past and you can't change it. So whether or not you know your partner's history it's the future you should be more concerned about.
3) b - It depends on what he did and how bad it was, I'd more than likely give him a second chance.
4) b - I don't care if he chats with/buys drinks/flirts with other girls, as long as he keeps his hands to himself. - Buying drinks and flirting to an extent. There are limits, respect is what people should care about in the end.
5) "I wish more men would be more like chicks and talk it out."